A Comprehensive guide to Google’s E-E-A-T Standards

October 23, 2024
Posted in Blog
October 23, 2024 wandpmarketing.co.uk

A Comprehensive guide to Google’s E-E-A-T Standards

Why your web design company should know about Google E-EAT

Date: 23/10/2024

Subject: Google E-EAT

Google does make improvements to its algorithm as regularly as clockwork. This is to help keep spam off the 1st page results on Google. However, even if a web design business doesn’t offer SEO, this doesn’t mean that it should be aware of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and Google E-EAT guidelines.

Most businesses want to improve their organic search engine optimisation; you must ensure your website has a good E-EAT score.
So, what is Google E-EAT?

E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Google employs quality checkers, known as quality evaluators, who have a tick-list, if you like, for evaluating whether a blog post or page on a company website is good quality.
Therefore, built into Google’s algorithms, it works out your business Google E-EAT score.


What does Google E-EAT mean?

So, do Google’s algorithms want to determine whether the author of the work has firsthand experience of what they are writing about? For example, sometimes, it’s clear when reading a page or blog post that the author has an in-depth knowledge about what they are talking about.
The text offers clear and helpful advice. Google’s algorithms, therefore, want to place businesses on the first page that provides helpful guidance. Thus, Google’s E-EAT is looking to determine whether the author has experience with what they are talking about.


Again, this is similar to experience; how much expertise does the author have with what they are talking about? It is 700 words of waffle about, let’s say, a jacuzzi, or it is an article that explains clearly why that product is high quality and has an in-built filtration system patented by the business to keep the water fresh.

The point we are trying to make is that when writing content marketing, the work must be written by someone with a good level of knowledge regarding what you are writing about.

So, as web designers, here’s our best advice when writing content marketing for the main pages. For those who don’t know, this is simply the text.

– Make sure the content marketing is unique; don’t copy and paste it
– Use the main pages as a way of showing your business are experts at what you are talking about
– Make sure the work is helpful to your shoppers

– Go the extra mile, write text, offer practical advice via YouTube video, get infographics created to make the page enjoyable for the shopper



For example, Google’s algorithms use backlinks to check the authoritativeness of a website or page.

For example, if a well-known company or person links to the work, it signals that they like it.

So, let’s give you an example: If Barry Schwartz linked to us from his website, SEO Round Table, www.seroundtable.com, because Barry is an extremely well-known and respected SEO consultant, this would help that page or blog post rank better in the Google SERPs.

So, Google’s algorithms use the number of backlinks and citations to determine a page’s authoritativeness.



Google’s algorithms will likely use Google Knowledge Graph to ensure that the facts and the statistics a business mentions are accurate.
This is important because shoppers want helpful advice and don’t want to make a buying decision based on false facts.
So, Google’s algorithm using Google E-EAT determines whether the facts and statistics are correct.


So why do web designers need to know about Google E-EAT?

Google E-EAT means that web designers, SEO companies, and any business that publishes content marketing must ensure that the work is well-written and high-quality.

It must be the work that shoppers read, and it must help them with a question they want answered. For example, it could help the customer find an energy-efficient washing machine by, say, writing a blog post stating the company’s four most energy-efficient washing machines.

The article could clearly state the washing machine’s features to make it energy efficient. Therefore, it would not be just 700 words of waffle trying to sell more washing machines without answering the customer’s question.
So why should web designers/businesses know about Google E-EAT?



If Google’s algorithm states that your business website has a high Google E-EAT score, your business is likely to rank higher in the SERPs. That’s why any business that wants to improve its organic SEO needs to know about Google E-EAT.


So, how can our business improve our Google E-EAT score?

This article is essential for web designers because businesses or web design agencies sometimes rush to write the text for pages when a website is designed.

This often means that you have a “content-thin” website, a page, or a blog post that offers little information, possibly just a few lines of text.
This is not good because offering such little advice means that often, you don’t offer enough information for the customer to answer their questions.

Content marketing, instead, must be helpful and well-written. Often, you need a lot of well-written text, but you should also complement this with a YouTube video embedded on the page, infographics, and bullet points.

Now, for Google to give your business website a good Google E-EAT score, here are our recommendations on what you should do.
Copywriters should work with the client closely.

So, content marketing must show firsthand experience, and the copywriters must work closely with the business’s directors or staff to use their knowledge of a product or service and incorporate that knowledge into the text.

This will make the work more helpful for the customer and show Google’s algorithms that you are an expert on what you are writing about because you will have gained help from an expert when writing about that product or service.


Demonstrate Expertise

So, again, I will work with experts on that product or service to help write the evergreen content marketing, main pages, and blog posts.
Whether you sell car insurance or run a solicitors practice, make sure that the copywriters at the web design company work with you to write high-quality content marketing. The work must be unique, well written, and show your real expertise in the product/services you sell.

Also, make sure that information is kept up to date. For example, if you add facts and statistics from 2018, well, make sure that you update this every few years; otherwise, the information starts to get old and outdated.


Build Authoritativeness

This is easier said than done because it is hard to build quality links. However, if you write top-quality content marketing, then other businesses and bloggers may choose to link to your work.

So, when you log into your backlink-checking tool, say Moz Pro, which we highly recommend, you might start to see that your business’s blog posts and main pages are starting to obtain high-quality backlinks. This is how you improve your business’s authoritativeness.


Improve your trustworthiness

To do this, incorporate reviews from customers on your website. Ensure all the facts and statistics are mentioned; you may want to add an outbound link to show where you obtained the facts you mentioned in the article.

Also, ensure that you keep the page or blog post updated and that the website is secure, so add an SSL certificate.


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